Although I love traveling with my husband, I thoroughly enjoy just packing up my vehicle and taking off to explore all by my lonesome! I can stop when I want, go where I want, and even backtrack 20 times if I want (and believe me...I do)! When a friend asked me how long it took me to get to the Badlands on Highway 44, and I told her about four hours...she looked at me like I must have been lost. But my favorite T-shirt says, "He who wanders isn't always lost"!!!!

While this guy couldn't care less!

After a few hours of "wandering", I finally made it to the park, just in time to see this fawn trying to catch up with his mama and sibling who had already crossed the road and were waiting in the tall grass for him.

I had a great time, and I had forgotten just how beautiful the Badlands are! My next trip to the Badlands is going to be a nighttime trip for some astrophotography, but first is an anxiously-awaited trip to Glacier National Park this coming up July 4th holiday (and my birthday for everyone who is sending gifts)!!!
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